Windhoek Waterfront Development addresses housing shortage


The Windhoek Waterfront Development has so far produced 35 free-standing houses, 14 of which are currently vacant, with the purpose of alleviating the burden of Namibia’s lack of affordable housing.

The project intends to construct 250 homes in phases one and two, as well as 60 residences in phase three, which is expected to be completed by October 2026.

Green Building Construction Namibia, a real estate development company owned entirely by Sakawe Mining Corporation (SAMICOR), is responsible for the development on the banks of the Goreangab Dam in Windhoek.

In an interview with Nampa, Angela Chaka, the development’s marketing officer, stated that the development was targeted at current residents of the Goreangab surrounding area who are looking for housing in the same area where they currently reside, but is a bit more accommodative and affordable to achieve the basic concept of owning a home.

‘We are looking for Namibians in the area who are in a position to upgrade. Fortunately for us, the concerns
that have been raised did not deter Namibians who have already purchased 35 of the properties because they are from that area and have become accustomed to the site and are not troubled by it,’ she added.

Chaka stated that the houses and plots are open to all Namibians who are unaffected by the location and can afford to buy the residences.

‘Many Namibians have expressed concerns about the location, bad smell, and basic cleanliness of the dam development, but all of these problems were addressed in 2012 before servicing of the site began,’ she said.

She assured Namibians interested in buying houses or land that the development will include cleaning the dam to make it more human-friendly, as well as building an independent road that will lead directly into the development.

Chaka clarified that the purchase of a portion of unserviced Erf 3188, Goreangab was approved by Council resolution on 20 November 2012. Ministerial approval for the purchase of land was granted on 18 January 2012, the municipality preli
minary agreement for planning, design and construction of services was signed in December 2012, and environmental clearance was approved by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism in February 2014.

The prices for free-standing houses in the Windhoek Waterfront Development begin at N.dollars 1 million and plots of 300 square metres begin at N.dollars 330 000.

The entire development spans 50-60 hectares and is valued at N.dollars 2 billion.

Source: Namibia Press Agency