Wheat Cluster Farming Underway in Amhara Region Crucial to Achieve Nat’l Plan: DPM Temesgen.


AMHARA: Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh remarked that the cultivation of wheat being underway through cluster farming method in the Amhara region of Ethiopia plays a key role to achieving the overall national plan of the country in the sector. The Deputy Premier has visited the cluster farming activity developed on 1,465 hectares of land in Moret and Jiru district of North Shewa Zone, Amhara region today.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the Deputy Prime Minister said on the occasion that Moret and Jiru district is one of the areas in the region with surplus agricultural products. He pointed out that this year; the region’s agricultural development is exhibiting impressive results due to the prevailing peace brought about by the collaborative efforts of the National Defense Force and regional government.

The farmers of the region have now entered into development, Temesgen said, adding that the wheat cluster cultivation observed in Moret and Jiru district will also play a key role in achieving the
goal we have set as a country. He also commended farmers of the district for their bumper harvest.

The timely supply of fertilizers and seeds during this year’s farming activities is yielding great results. In addition to wheat, teff, corn and other cluster farms are also being developed in the region. The further improvement of peace in the region has also been favorable for irrigation farming activities, he noted.

Amhara Region Chief Administrator, Arega Kebede said for his part that more than 5.2 million hectares of land have been cultivated during Meher farming season expecting to harvest over 169 million quintals of crops of which 80 million quintals is wheat. Agriculture Minister Girma Amenti revealed that in this year’s farming activities, wheat cultivation is expected to yield about 300 million quintals from Meher season and irrigation.

Ethiopia’s goal of ensuring food sovereignty by increasing national productivity will be realized, as evidenced by the impressive accomplishments recorded in wheat
cultivation in the Moret and Jiru districts of the Amhara region, Girma underscored.