WFP Zimbabwe Country Brief, July 2022

In Numbers

15 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 178,950 cash-based transfers made

USD 41 m next six months (August ‘22 – January ‘23) net funding requirements

12,092 people assisted in July 2022

Operational Updates

• WFP launched its Country Strategic Plan for Zimbabwe, covering the period from July 2022 to 2026. Through this roadmap, WFP will step up its contribution to building shock-responsive social protection and food systems, assist vulnerable people to pursue their life and livelihood aspirations, and support the Government to achieve its sustainable development targets. Through resilience-building activities, WFP will continue investing in the humanitarian-development nexus to enhance sustainability. This includes support to smallholder farmers and market actors as well as institutional capacity-strengthening to enhance urban and rural livelihoods.

• In July, WFP and partners supported 12,092 refugees and persons of concern at the Tongogara Refugee Camp through cash-based transfers (11,932) and inkind food assistance (160) for newly arrived asylumseekers. Starting in September, WFP plans to provide hybrid rations, consisting of cereal donated by the Government of Zimbabwe and cash to complete the ration.

• The 2022 Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) cycle, which commences in August, will support 82,420 most vulnerable people in seven districts, whose food security and livelihoods are affected by recurrent shocks and stressors, limiting their ability to bounce back quickly. The participating households will work to build and/or rehabilitate assets and receive training, in return for food assistance for six months with the objective to diversify and promote climate resilient agricultural production systems and practices.

• Due to resourcing constraints, WFP was forced to stop delivering urban cash-based assistance in Harare South and Masvingo in July. The Urban Cash Assistance programme provided double disbursements in June covering June and July cycles in these districts, to cushion households from inflation. This life-saving programme faces critical funding challenges and will only be able to reach some 10,000 beneficiaries in Chiredzi in the month of August.

• Preparations are ongoing for the 2022/23 lean season (October to March), which is projected to peak at 3.8 million people being food insecure during the first quarter of 2023. WFP will complement efforts by the Government and other partners to respond to these needs. Currently available resources allow WFP to assist 585,000 people during the harsher months of the lean season. WFP and partners are coordinating with the Department of Social Development to harmonize the targeting methodology, which was piloted last year. This allows for complementarity of government and WFP interventions and provides an opportunity for skills transfer.

Source: World Food Programme

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