WFP Zimbabwe Country Brief, August 2022


In Numbers

15 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 398,696 cash-based transfers made

USD 32 m next six months (September ‘22 – February ‘23) net funding requirements

22,061 people assisted in August 2022

Operational Updates

• Through the urban social assistance and resilience building programme, WFP and partners assisted 10,085 people, with double rations – covering their August and September entitlements. In Chiredzi, the programme also partners with the Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation (SAFE) programme which promotes prevention of gender-based violence through social and economic empowerment of participants, while also providing referral pathways for victims.

• WFP assisted 11,976 refugees residing at Tongogara Refugee Camp, (11,830 through cash and 176 through in-kind food assistance) in August. Fewer refugees were reached than in July due to their mobile nature and continued use of biometric verification, which reduces third party collections.

• WFP provided climate services training through the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) to 70 experts at national level and 180 Agritex extension officers as part of the training of trainers at district level. The PICSA approach, pioneered by the University of Reading, enables farmers to make informed decisions based on locally specific weather and climate information and participatory decisionmaking tools. Trained ward-based extension officers will cascade the learnings to 6,250 farmers in Masvingo, Mwenezi, Rushinga, Chipinge and Mwenezi districts, while also working with farmers to analyze historical climate information and use participatory tools to develop and choose crops and livestock.

• WFP, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development and FAO supported 5,200 smallholder farmers in Chiredzi and Mangwe districts to grow drought tolerant crops through climate smart practices. The project transforms production, processing, storage, distribution and use of produce by also complementing Government efforts to reduce losses through education and promoting postproduction technologies.

Source: World Food Programme


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