In Numbers
US$ 24 million cash-based transfers made
5,322 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 143.3 million six months net funding requirements representing 45 percent of the total US$ 315.3 million for the next six months (April-September 2021)
2.5 million people assisted in March 2021
Operational Context
Somalia continues to make progress to recover from underdevelopment, instability and decades of conflict since the re-establishment of the Federal Government in 2012.
However, climatic shocks combined with gender inequality, protracted displacements and persistent conflict continue to exacerbate food insecurity. Inadequate water and sanitation, poor hygiene practices and chronic food insecurity are among the factors contributing to health and nutrition challenges. Furthermore, systemic problems such as limited investments, infrastructure and regulatory frameworks, as well as climate variability, limit the potential of Somalia’s food systems to ensure access to and consumption of nutritious food. In response, the Government of Somalia launched the Ninth National Development Plan (NDP 9) in December 2019, laying out the national vision for sustainable development (2020-2024). In October 2020, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2021–2025) was signed, outlining the United Nations’ response to the peace and development priorities of NDP 9 and its collective contribution to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of Somalia.
WFP ensures close engagement with partners through its Somalia country office in Mogadishu and 12 operational offices across Somalia.
Operational Updates
Various parts of the country are experiencing drought-like conditions due to depressed and poor distribution of rains during the 2020 Deyr season (October-December) combined with high temperatures during the Jilal season (January-March). Communities in Togdheer, Gedo, Lower Juba among other regions are experiencing severe water shortages. Depletion of water and pasture resources have affected several other communities which could lead to high migration of livestock and communities.
These climatic conditions could lead to further deterioration of the already poor food security situation – approximately 2.65 million Somalis are expected to be in Phase 3, ‘Crisis’, or worse under the integrated food security phase classification (IPC) – from April to June 2021, and require urgent food assistance.
In March, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 2.5 million women, girls, men and boys in communities most affected by acute food and nutrition insecurity. The assistance included a food basket comprising of cereals, fortified vegetable oil, pulses; specialized nutritious food and/or cash-based transfers (CBT). Of these people, 665,000 were malnourished or at risk of becoming malnourished pregnant and lactating women and girls, and children aged 6-59 months who received preventative and curative nutrition assistance.
The WFP home grown school feeding (HGSF) model reached 71,000 schoolchildren in March, in WFP supported schools. The schoolchildren received hot meals prepared from diverse, nutritious and locally sourced fresh foods. The HGSF model is also bringing economic benefits to local suppliers and smallholder producers. WFP supported establishment of school kitchen gardens in 15 schools in Dolow district. These schools are growing vegetables e.g. tomatoes, onions and spinach for use in preparation of school meals.
Source: World Food Programme