WFP Somalia Country Brief, April 2021


In Numbers

US$ 12 million assistance delivered through cash-based transfers

6,573 mt of in-kind food assistance distributed

US$ 210.3 million six months net funding requirements representing 54 percent of the total US$ 392.6 million for the next six months (May-October 2021)

1.6 million people assisted in April 2021

Operational Updates

Climate-induced shocks impacting food security

In April, dry conditions continued to cause severe water shortages for domestic, livestock and agricultural production in various regions across the country. For instance, in Mahadaay and Jowhar of Middle Shabelle, 5,000 farmers in riverine communities moved to Mogadishu in search of casual labour. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, cases of acute watery diarrhoea have been reported in some parts across the country due to limited access to safe drinking water. Additionally, desert locust infestation on crops and pasture continues to threaten livelihoods, particularly in Puntland and Somaliland. The deterioration of pasture conditions coupled with low agricultural production directly impact on the food security situation of poor families across the country. The Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) projects that 2.83 million Somalis will be in crisis or emergency levels (Integrated Phase Classifications IPC Phase 3 and IPC Phase 4 respectively) from July to September.

WFP’s assistance enabling families to meet their food and nutrition needs

WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 1.6 million women, girls, men and boys in communities most affected by acute food and nutrition insecurity. The assistance included a food basket comprising cereals, fortified vegetable oil, pulses, specialized nutritious food and/or cash-based transfers (CBT). Of these people, 436,000 pregnant and lactating women and girls, and children aged 6-59 months who received preventative and curative nutrition assistance were malnourished or at risk of becoming malnourished

School meals helping schoolchildren meet their food and nutrition needs

WFP assisted 97,000 school children through home grown school feeding (HGSF) in April. The hot meals were prepared from diverse, nutritious and locally sourced fresh foods. Linking schools to smallholder farmers and local producers contributes to the local economy; a key strategy to achieving the Zero Hunger Goal.

Source: World Food Programme