WFP Somalia 2020 Annual Country Report



In Somalia, recurrent climatic shocks such as flooding and drought are major drivers for food insecurity, coupled with conflict, insecurity and political tension. In 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 and desert locust infestations exacerbated this situation further.

In the face of these challenges, WFP takes a holistic approach to achieving Zero Hunger in Somalia: recognizing the interconnected nature of relief and resilience to address both short-term and longer-term drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition. WFP reached 4.57 million people in Somalia across all programmes in 2020, including with USD 98.7 million in cash-based transfers and 98,679 mt of in-kind food.

WFP is changing lives by helping communities strengthen their resilience to shocks; developing the capacity of national institutions to respond to shocks and sustainably address hunger; strengthening food systems; and supporting overnment to implement safety nets, school feeding and other social protection programmes.

This builds on WFP’s work to save lives in Somalia by providing humanitarian food and nutrition assistance to those affected by crisis, and – through its United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), the WFP-led Logistics Cluster and bilateral service provision – by enabling the humanitarian community.

Source: World Food Programme