WFP Namibia Country Brief, August 2021


In Numbers
Net Funding Requirements:
US$ 6.1 m six-month (September 2021 – February 2022)
People Assisted in August 2021
Cash Based Transfers: 1,775 households in Omusati Region
Food Voucher Programme: A total of 2,700 households in Kunene and Ohangwena Region
Home Grown School Feeding Programme: 1,472 learners from HGSFP four pilot schools in Kunene Region.
Community-based Livelihood Projects: 355 households benefitting from three community-based food systems projects, including 110 prisoners from the Windhoek Correctional Service.
Operational Updates
United Nations Food Systems Summit
The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) as the leading national convenor for the United Nations Food Systems Summit with support from WFP and FAO Namibia coordinated a total of six national dialogues during the month of August.
These themed dialogues ranged from: a) Food Policies, Research & Development, and Strategies for Food Systems in Namibia: Promoting innovations, entrepreneurship, and inclusivity for positive food system transformation; b) Food Production, Consumption, and Processing Systems in Namibia: Fostering Sustainable,
Healthy, Accessible and Nutritious Diets; c) Regional Consultations on Food System: Fostering sustainable diets, equitable livelihoods, and nature positive production in Namibia; d) The role of the private sector in transforming food systems in Namibia; e) Partnerships and strategies for transforming food systems in Namibia for sustainable diets and building climate, social and economy resiliency.
Namibia Home Grown School Feeding Programme
WFP with support from the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) commenced with the pilot phase of the HGSFP at four selected schools in Kunene Region. Schools will buy produce directly from local smallholder farmers as part of the school feeding programme to diversify the meals of learners. The HGSFP is a vehicle to involve rural farmers to provide produce to schools, improve their market access and supplement their income. The project will benefit 24 schools with a combined total of 7,521 learners across the country.

Source: World Food Programme


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