In Numbers
60,494 cumulative and 10,279 active cases of COVID-19 in Malawi (31 August 2021)
USD 4.9 million six-month (September 2021 – February 2022) net funding requirements
11,000 refugee households assisted with food and cash distributions
Strategic Outcome 1
• Refugees: Double distributions for the months of July and August were completed, with cash transfers and inkind transfers of Super Cereal (corn-soya blend) for the food basket for 11,000 refugee households (approximately 46,000 refugees) in Dzaleka camp.
• Some 200 participants in the camp were engaged in livelihood activities, including soya farming, mushroom production and soap making.
• To date, 73 metric tons of soya produced in and around the camp have been sold to consumers within the camp.
WFP plans to scale up the livelihood activities to an additional 300 refugee households in September.
Strategic Outcome 2
• School Feeding: Drafting of the school feeding strategy has started in consultation with the Ministry of Education School Health and Nutrition Department, with the aim of finalising the document by end of September. Workplans for the districts of Chikwawa, Nsanje, Phalombe and Zomba have been completed as part of roll of the Tsogolo La Thanzi programme (TSOLATA). The district teams will start implementation of activities in readiness for homegrown school feeding rollout.
• Social Protection: WFP continues supporting evidence generation to inform programming, with recent contributions towards the Lean Season Response AfterAction Review (AAR). AAR recommendations continue to inform preparedness work for the lean season response. With support from WFP, 17 government staff have completed an online course on adaptative social protection to design and adapt a social protection system in times of shock, delivered by the Economic Policy Research Institute.
Strategic Outcome 3
• Malnutrition Prevention: Household door-to-door visits were conducted by care groups supported by WFP to disseminate nutrition messages on infant and young child feeding, maternal nutrition and hygiene and sanitation practices across the five districts of Balaka, Chikwawa, Nsanje, Phalombe, and Zomba. About 70,500 households were reached.
Source: World Food Programme