WFP Liberia Country Brief, September 2022


In Numbers
22,925 mt of food distributed
USD 5.4 million six-month (October 2022 – March 2023) net funding requirements
39,275 people assisted in September 2022
Operational Updates
• A total of 216 schools (185 in Nimba and 31 in Maryland) received food ration to cover 52,184 public primary school students.
• WFP also continued its livelihood programme activities and trained 15 people from six communities in Grand Cape Mount County to properly use forest residues and agricultural wastes (including rice and coconut husk, dried palm branches, and sugar cane straws) for economic production, which is a cleaner and an environmentally friendly alternative to charcoal production. Indeed, this contributes to the effective management of agricultural wastes and to the mitigation of the devastating effects of deforestation resulting from the current practice of using forest trees for charcoal production.
• The Deputy Regional Director conducted a joint mission with the West Africa Area Manager for The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Charities, a long-term partner who has committed over 60 million USD to WFP. They visited two school feeding sites in Ganta, a War Affected Women Farmers’ Cooperative in Bong, and livelihood project sites in Nimba. At the sites, they were able to see what WFP and partners are doing together to improve the lives of vulnerable smallholder farmers. They were also able to interact with project participants who need support with switching away from traditional farming tools and introducing some semi mechanised labour-saving tools such as tractors or power tillers.

Source: World Food Programme


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