WFP Ethiopia Country Brief, June 2022

In Numbers

3.2 million people assisted

USD 1 million cash-based transfers provided

USD 511 million June – November 2022 net funding requirements

36,863 mt of food assistance distributed

Operational Updates

In June, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 3.2 million people, including those affected by drought and floods, internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and malnourished women and children.


In June, WFP provided food and cash assistance to 1.74 million people – 51 percent of its target of 3.86 million. WFP was only able to meet half of its target due to a lack of fuel, insecurity, and funding constraints.

WFP suspended dispatch of relief assistance in the Tigray Region due to a lack of fuel supply. However, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 107,789 and 255,007 food insecure internally displaced people and those in host communities in Afar and Amhara regions respectively.

In the Somali Region WFP continued to provide food assistance to internally displaced people and people affected by drought during the month, but with a reduced cereal ration due to funding shortages. WFP assisted 783,776 people with 9,366 mt of food during the reporting period.


In June, WFP provided 2,092 mt of specialized nutritious foods for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and the prevention of wasting to 366,685 children under the age of 5, and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls. WFP only managed to reach 81 percent of its target of 451,655 children and women due to a lack of fuel for dispatches in Tigray as well as a shortage of nutrition commodities and resources.

Support to Refugees

WFP supported 742,000 refugees with food assistance in 24 refugee camps across Ethiopia during the month of June. Due to significant funding shortfalls, WFP was only able to provide 50 percent of the standard ration.

School Feeding

In June, WFP’s school feeding programme provided 402 mt of food to 202,857 school children with daily meals.

Fresh Food Vouchers

The Fresh Food Voucher Programme supports households with pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls, and children under the age of two, to access fresh foods and improve their dietary diversity. During the month of June, WFP provided fresh food vouchers to 90,370 women and children in the Amhara Region.

Livelihood Support

To strengthen the livelihoods of communities, WFP supported 5,745 people through its resilience building and livelihood activities in the Somali and Gambella regions. Activities included crop production, livestock development and trainings to strengthen the local market system and financial inclusion.

Source: World Food Programme

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