Western Cape Government hosts Provincial Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Summit, 20 Oct


Western Cape Government to host Provincial GBVF summit
All media are invited to the Western Cape Government’s (WCG) Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) Summit. This is in preparation for the national Presidential GBVF Summit that will take place next month.
The WCG has prioritised addressing all forms of violence against women and girls, and LGBTQIA+ persons throughout the year.
The summit will outline the numerous measures the Provincial Government and its partners are taking to tackle this scourge, to keep our women and girls safe by ensuring we offer them dignity and hope. Interventions include the development, adoption, and actioning of the Western Cape Implementation Plan for GBV, the increase in the number of GBV shelters and expansion of psychosocial support services as well as health care services for victims of abuse, and intergovernmental collaboration and monitoring to aid ensuing legal processes.
GBVF has for too long plagued our province and country. Through the summit, and working together as government and civil society, we must find effective ways to bring about lasting change.

Source: Government of South Africa


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