Western Cape Government adopts Inclusionary Housing Policy


A ground-breaking Inclusionary Housing Policy Framework, developed by the Western Cape Government, has been approved. This Policy Framework will help municipalities in the Western Cape to facilitate the inclusion of more affordable housing units in developments in our urban centres. This will be done in partnership with the private sector, creating more opportunities for people to live in better locations.

Anton Bredell, Western Cape Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, said the provincial government is working hard to tackle the challenge of housing and spatial inequality. “We want more affordable and inclusionary housing in well-located areas within our municipalities. Lower income households and lower to middle income households, including many of our essential workers, need easier access to economic opportunities and social amenities in our towns and cities. This is the foundation upon which the province has based its innovative new policy.”

The Policy Framework explains what inclusionary housing is, how it can support spatial transformation, where it can be utilised in the province, what the processes to follow are, who is responsible for what, and what the various policy considerations are.

Bredell said: “The introduction of inclusionary housing is complex, and it involves several role-players and stakeholders with consequences which are difficult to predict. There are currently no tried and tested models of inclusionary housing in South Africa to learn from. However, for the Western Cape Government the need to transform our cities and towns is non-negotiable. We are determined to be bold, whilst recognising the risks and uncertainties. It is not only a question of spatial transformation but also of economic growth. While not the only mechanism to promote well located affordable housing, this Policy Framework is an important first step for inclusionary housing and will most certainly evolve over time. We will look to municipalities, developers, landowners, civil society, academia, and non-governmental organisations to contribute towards its improvement as we build a body of evidence,” Bredell said. The Policy can be downloaded at: https://tinyurl.com/WCInclusionaryHousing

Source: Government of South Africa


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