Western Cape Education on school admissions 2023


Media release: School admissions 2023: Only 4 days to go!

The 2023 school admissions process closes in 4 days’ time!

Parents and caregivers have until midnight,15 April 2022, to apply for the 2023 school year.

If one fails to apply before this date, any application after this date will be deemed as a late application, and preference will be given to applications submitted by 15 April 2022.

The parents of 120 000 children have already applied for school places, of which, 57 000 are for Grade 8 enrolment.

We want to thank all those that have applied timeously and appeal to others that wish to apply for the next school year, to do so by 15 April 2022.

Applying after this date could affect their choice of placement and it will affect our planning.

Parents and caregivers can log onto https://admissions.westerncape.gov.za to apply online.

The WCED admissions website is a FREE service, that is zero-rated.

The WCED has also hosted pop-up admission support tables at shopping malls and schools throughout this period. Please visit the WCED website for information on available pop-ups for the remainder of this week. Parents and caregivers can also visit the district office for support if they are restricted in terms of accessibility to equipment.

Some schools have also communicated to parents within their communities that they will be opening their labs for parents to apply.

Parents can apply for:

Grade R

Grade 1 and 8

A transfer request for learners in Grades 2-7 and Grades 9-12.

The following documents is required:

The last official school Report Card

ID, Birth certificate, passport of the learner; or

A study permit (foreign learners); OR

Proof of application (study permit)

Immunisation card (Road to Health Chart) [Primary Schools Only]

Proof of Residence (Rates account, Lease agreement, an affidavit confirming residence). Note: Retail statements and bank statements are not accepted.

A police affidavit will be required for lost or stolen documentation that is not currently available.

We again appeal to all parents to please complete your application by 15 April 2023.

This process is important to them and their child. It is also important for our planning. So do not delay and apply today!

(Please contact Bronagh Hammond for soundbite in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.)

Source: Government of South Africa