Western Cape Economic Development and Tourism on Stats SA Quarterly Labour Force Survey


QLFS: 85 000 jobs created in the Western Cape in Quarter 3

I am delighted by the news that 85 000 jobs were created in the Western Cape, in Quarter 3, according to the latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS), released today by Statistics South Africa. This means that over 203 000 jobs were created in the Western Cape year-on-year.

I especially welcome the news that the Western Cape’s expanded unemployment rate has decreased by 1.8 percentage points quarter-on-quarter and by 0.8 percentage points year-on-year.

On the narrow definition, unemployment in the province decreased by 3 percentage points quarter-on-quarter, and 1.8 percentage points year-on-year.

After a difficult two years for our province and country, this is certainly heart-warming news. A job provides dignity and self-agency, breaking the cycle of poverty. Employment creates opportunity and hope for many families across the province.

We are determined to ensure this trend continues in the months and years ahead. That is why we will work tirelessly to remove barriers to growth and create the right environment for entrepreneurs, businesspeople and citizens to succeed.

Source: Government of South Africa