Global WHO Risk Assessment: Moderate
WHO Risk Assessment for the Americas: Moderate
On 23 July 2022, the WHO Director-General declared the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). https://bit.ly/3J2PvHk and https://bit.ly/3Oterch.
As of 28 July 2022,
• Globally, 21,064 confirmed cases of monkeypox from 78 countries, areas, and territories: 66% in the European Region, 32% in the Region of the Americas, 2% in the Africa Region, <1% each in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Western Pacific Region, and South-East Asia Region (Figure 1).
5,275 additional cases, 33% increase in the last 7 days
98.9% (13,740/13,893) of cases with available data are male, the median age is 36 years. <1% (81/11,787) of cases with available age data are aged 0-17 years. Males between 18-44 years old account for 77.1% of cases with available data.
• In the Americas, 6,785 confirmed cases from 19 countries and territories. Three countries in the Region account for the top 10 highest number of confirmed cases (United States of America, Brazil, and Canada).
79.9% increase in confirmed cases in the last 7 days
On 29 July, the first death in the Region related to monkeypox was reported in Brazil.
Most of confirmed cases (1,013/1,021) are male, 81% of 1,019 cases are aged 25 to 45 years old, and most self-identify as men who have sex with other men.
79% of 940 cases in the Americas are locally transmitted cases (increase of 7% in the last 7 days).
• On 21 July 2022, WHO published the Global clinical data platform for monkeypox case report form (CRF), available at: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-MPX-Clinical_CRF-2022.3
Source: Pan American Health Organization