‘We Must Seize Every Opportunity’ to Overcome Global Challenges by Becoming Resilient, Sustainable, Deputy Secretary-General Tells Boma of Africa

Following is the text of UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s video message to the virtual Boma of Africa, today:

I am pleased to join you in this year’s Boma of Africa deliberations. Global shocks are impacting Africa’s rise. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the climate emergency, and now the war in Ukraine, we are witnessing how external crises are undermining progress made during the last decade, and threatening peace and sustainable development.

In the face of growing risks, Africa must be able to count on global solidarity, including financial solidarity, to alleviate debt and lack of liquidity. But while these external shocks are having a negative impact on Africa, the size of this impact also depends on a major internal factor: investing in our youth and women.

We must seize every opportunity to strengthen the resilience of African economies. The road to resilience starts with self-reliance and interdependence. Africa’s integration is perhaps the most important one. The African Continental Free Trade Area is one of the main tools to make this change a reality. In an interconnected world, African countries must adopt a regional perspective and promote continental resilience.

I see three areas where Africa’s integration needs to be strengthened. First, the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine inequalities highlight the need to advance the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa. We welcome the establishment of African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation to transform Africa’s pharmaceutical industry.

Second, the food crisis is a call to invest more in Africa’s smallholder farmers — particularly women — and to examine how the Continental Free Trade Area can contribute to transforming food systems. Increased productivity and intra-African agricultural trade will play a key role, as will commodities exchanges to enable transparent and efficient trade and reduce transaction costs.

Third, the recent global spike in energy prices and the climate agenda is an opportunity for African countries to accelerate access to sustainable energy for all. This should be based on scaled-up renewable energy production, increased energy access and efficiency, and greater use of regional energy pools.

Boma of Africa is key to promoting concrete and ambitious ideas to realize African integration. Together, let us leverage the power of our continent to overcome global challenges and achieve resilient and sustainable development for all. Let us rise together for a better tomorrow. Thank you.

Source: United Nations

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