Water and Sanitation on Vaal-Orange River System

The Vaal-Orange River System continues to rise
The Department and Water and Sanitation continues to monitor dams and rivers more keenly in this rainy season. This is necessitated by the sheer volume of water due to the on-going rains across the country but mainly in the Vaal-Orange River System.
To manage and protect infrastructure the department took a decision to keep a total of four gates open for now with the possibility of more releases happening in the very near future.
The Dam – which supplies most of Gauteng – has four sluice gates open as at this morning with another to be opened during the course of this morning, which will bring the total to five.
Bloemhof Dam releases will be increased to 1400 cubic meters per second as at 08h00 this morning with a great possibility of further increases later in the day.
The department’s spokesperson Sputnik Ratau warns downstream communities that there are huge increases expected into System over the next few days, thus the confluence at Douglas is one of the areas that will be watched keenly.
“Farmers and downstream communities are asked to remove equipment that may be damaged due to the outflow, as well as ensure that all necessary precaution and positive response to messages from municipalities, emergency services and disaster management with regard to evacuations as and when required. It is always most important to protect and save lives and livelihoods.

Source: Government of South Africa

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