Water and Sanitation on Northern Cape water levels


Northern Cape water levels record a reduction week on week
The latest report of the Department of Water and Sanitation’s weekly status of reservoir shows a decline in the Northern Cape dam levels. The provincial dam levels have dropped from 95.0% last week to 92.9% this week.
The main Water Supply System in the Province; Orange River Water Supply System has dropped from 88.2% last week to 87.4% this week.
One of the major concerns in the provincial water levels is a continual drop of Karee Dam serving Calvinia which has further lessened from 20.7% last week to 18.9% this week. Vanderkloof Dam in the Orange River Water Supply System situated at the border of Free State and Northern Cape has slightly dropped from 97.9% to 97.7%.
The following are the provincial storage weirs; Boegoeberg Storage Weir has diminished from 105.8% last week to 103.9% this week, Douglas Storage Weirs recorded an upward movement from 103.9% last week to 105.4% this week, and Vaalharts scaled down from 83.0% to 79.2% week on week. Spitskop Dam also shrunk from 100.4% to 98.6%.
With the purpose of establishing and sorting out water related challenges in Northern Cape, the Minister of Water and Sanitation, Mr Senzo Mchunu, Deputy Minister David Mahlobo and the Provincial Premier Dr Zamani Saul joined Deputy President, David Mabuza in conducting an oversight at Homevale Waste Water Treatment Works recently.
The Department of Water and Sanitation persists in pleading with the residents of Northern Cape to be circumspect in the way they utilise water amidst the recent reduction in the provincial dam levels.
For more information contact Sputnik Ratau, Spokesperson for the Department of Water and Sanitation on 082 874 2942

Source: Government of South Africa


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