Water and Sanitation on Mohokare Local Municipality water upgrades


Mohokare gets upgraded
The Mohokare Local Municipality that falls under the Xhariep District Municipality has had massive upgrades in the form of water projects in Zastron and Rouxville.
The Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) project in Rouxville consists of the upgrading of Rouxville Water Treatment Works to a capacity of 3.2ML/day, construction of a new 4.8 km long rising main from the Water Treatment Works to the 3 existing reservoirs and upgrading of infrastructure for 5 existing boreholes.There is also the construction of a 27 kilometres 300 mm diameter pipe line from Orange River to Paisley Dam and the abstraction works. The work includes the construction of 15km raw water from Montaque Dam to Kloof Dam and the Zastron Water Treatment works.
The project which started in March 2012 is currently at 94% and is expected to be completed soon.
The Water Service infrastructure Grant (WSIG) project in Zastron will ensure the sustainable water supply to the residents of Zastron and 748 households will benefit from the project. It comprises of the upgrading of the pump stations including civil, mechanical, and electrical works. The project commenced in March 2017 and was completed on 12 March 2021.
The two projects totaling an expenditure of R276 Million are set to be handed over to the municipality in due course.

Source: Government of South Africa


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