Water and Sanitation on KwaZulu-Natal dam levels on 8 Sept


KZN dam levels continue to stabilise
Heavy rains have been forecasted for KwaZulu-Natal this week, as warmer conditions can be expected as the weekend moves closer.
The Department of Water and Sanitation’s regional officials have been on high alert, ensuring that infrastructure remains undamaged as the cold weather subsides.
Despite the high rainfall and flooding in the province recently, reservoirs have remained stable.
The Umgeni Water Supply System is unchanged this week at 75,5%.
This is according to a weekly report on the status of reservoirs issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation.
The Department’s spokesperson Sputnik Ratau says the unchanged water levels are welcome after weeks of continued decline.
“First off, as the Department, we offer our deepest sympathy and compassion to the families that lost homes due to the heavy rain. The weather in the province has been unkind to most.
“However, despite the high volume of water received, many of our catchment areas have remained unchanged.
“This may change as the snow in parts of the province begins to melt,” Ratau said.
Nagle dam increased from 91,5% last week to 92,7%, with Inanda following the trend from 84,4% to 86,2% this week.
Mearns dam had the highest increase to 79,8% this week from last week’s 73,8%.
Ratau explains that very few dams dropped, with some only showing marginal decreases.
Ratau says the department will continue to monitor the dam levels and calls on KZN residents to continue to use water sparingly.
He says although the levels are all above average, it is still important to monitor water use as South Africa is still a water scarce country.
“The department is still going strong in ensuring that every household has running water, with a particular emphasis on those that are still un-served”, Ratau concluded.
For more information, contact Sputnik Ratau, Spokesperson for the Department of Water and Sanitation on 082 874 2942

Source: Government of South Africa


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