Water and Sanitation on disciplinary action against suspended DDG


DWS disciplinary action against a suspended DDG concludes
The Department of Water and Sanitation this week received the Presiding Officer’s pronouncement regarding the disciplinary process that has been underway for a while against a DDG of Infrastructure in the department.
The disciplinary action emanates from matters around the SAP tender that was found to have been irregular and has seen the SAP company refund the DWS of money’s spent, as well as the matter surrounding the North Coast Water Utility.
The Presiding officer has given a sanction of dismissal from the DWS while the law enforcement agencies will continue with their area of work beyond this sanction.
The DWS continues with the intention to keep to its side of the bargain regarding the financial recovery plan agreed to with National Treasury and the Office of the Auditor-General, which agreement includes following up and finalising issues of discipline where there is probability and possibility of wrong-doing, that is, relevant consequence management.
For more information, contact Sputnik Ratau, Spokesperson for the Department of Water and Sanitation on 082 874 2942

Source: Government of South Africa


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