Water and Sanitation extends Public comments on draft National Water Resource Infrastructure Agency Bill until 17 March 2023

Public comments on the draft NWRIA Bill extended until 17 March 2023

Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu has granted and published the extension of period for public comments on the draft Bill for the establishment of National Water Resource Infrastructure Agency (NWRIA) until, 17 March 2023. This was initially published on 16 September 2022 in gazette number: 46917 notice No: 2508.

The public comments are intended to facilitate stakeholders’ participation, raise awareness, capacity building and knowledge sharing, to ensure buy-in, and in addition are aimed at paving a way forward towards the formation of a state-owned entity. This entity is envisaged to undertake the building, operation, financing, and maintenance of national water resources infrastructure assets, whilst DWS retains responsibility for planning, regulation, policy, and price setting.

Amongst other things, the Agency also seeks to ensure sustainable, equitable and reliable supply of water from the national water resources infrastructure; whilst meeting our Constitutional obligations set out in sections 10, 11, 24, 27(1)(b) and 27(2) including the national and regional social and economic objectives of national policy.

The gazette was published, in September and included the period immediately preceding the festive season. As a result, a number of stakeholders requested extension; and it was deemed reasonable for all stakeholders to be granted extension to ensure that they exercise their constitutional right. The Department is determined to conduct a comprehensive and all-inclusive consultation process, so that the voice of South African’s are echoed in the legislation.

The Department is calling on all interested persons and organisations to submit written comments on the NWRIA draft Bill until 17 March 2023. Written comments should include the following details of the person/organization submitting the comments: name; address; telephone number and e-mail address. Comments submitted and received after this time may not be considered.

Source: Government of South Africa

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