Water and Sanitation commits to monitor its entities to ensure optimum delivery of services


In continuous efforts to enhance the delivery of water, thus ensuring security of supply across the country, the Department of Water and Sanitation has reinforced its commitment to monitor work being carried out by its entities in affected communities.
This comes as the Department’s Acting Director-General Deborah Mochotlhi recently briefed the Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation Portfolio Committee on the Water Boards’ 2019/20 Annual Reports.
Speaking during the Portfolio Committee meeting, Mochotlhi said Water Entities contribute to the Government’s objective of reducing inequality through access to water supply and job creation, leveraging additional investments for infrastructure development as well as enabling rural communities to use water for rural livelihoods.
“Water Entities are key in assisting the government, particularly the Department of Water and Sanitation, in supplying the most important need which is water,” she said.
Mochotlhi expressed that the audit outcomes of most Water Entities have significantly improved over the last three years, while expressing concern over some which still need to improve.
“Mhlathuze and Magalies Water Boards have received unqualified audit outcomes with no findings while Overberg, Bloem, Lepelle, Umgeni and Rand Water received unqualified audit outcomes with findings for the 2019/20 financial year,” she said.
“While there are a number of areas for concern and specific institutional challenges that are being addressed, the overall performance of Water Boards during the 2019/20 reporting period has been generally satisfactory,” added Mochotlhi.
Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has since congratulated Water Boards with clean audit outcomes and called for progress on all the others which still have to work towards improving their annual reporting.
“Overall, our Water Boards have delivered on their mandate and provided appropriate levels of assurance of supply and quality of water and services delivered to municipalities and other key customers. In doing so, these important and strategic entities contributed positively to the Government’s broad socio-economic development agenda,” Minister Sisulu said.
For more information, contact Sputnik Ratau, Spokesperson for the Department of Water and Sanitation on 082 874 2942

Source: Government of South Africa


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