War effort: IDPs from Fada N’Gourma bring 552,000 FCFA

IDPs from three villages in the commune of Fada N’Gourma handed over 552,000 FCFA on Monday as a contribution to the war effort, reports the ministry in charge of Administration.

In the amount of 552,000 CFA francs, this contribution aims to support the authorities in the reconquest of the national territory, thus responding to the appeal launched by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, said the representatives of the IDPs, this Monday in Ouagadougou, Minister in charge of Security.

According to them, this gesture is the expression of their gratitude to the fighting forces committed to the front for the reconquest of the national territory, in view of the hope that is reborn in the Eastern region.

Representatives of IDPs in the Fada N’Gourma region affirmed that convincing results have been observable on the ground for some time.

The Minister Delegate, in charge of security, the Chief Commissioner of Police, Mahamadou Sana welcomed the initiative and reassured the delegation of the government’s determination to curb the terrorist hydra throughout the national territory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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