Voluntary Clean-Up Operation Unites Banfora Community for Civic Action.


Banfora: On the third day of the voluntary clean-up operation, which has once again helped to clean up services in the city of Banfora, volunteers involved in the activity appreciate the initiative. ‘It’s really a source of pride to come together as a family to work for the common cause.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Banfora is the city of all of us. Therefore, making it clean is beneficial for everyone. “We must make the city like our own backyard,” said the volunteer at the National Volunteer Program (PNVB), Fatimata Yao. She volunteered to set a good example. In her opinion, it is a patriotic act. Also, Ms. Yao is committed to sensitizing her sisters in order to mobilize them for future actions.

Souleymane Soulama, a 3rd year history student and a volunteer, believes the operation “allows us to take control of the property of the commune,” and considers it a duty for the sons of the region to engage in this civic action. For Mr. Soulama, the mobilization of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS
), the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), and the Assistant Security Volunteers (VADS) alongside civilians for the Operation Coup de Balai Volontaire, is commendable. “It was also an opportunity for us to get closer to them, to build strong ties. And it also shows that property is everyone’s business,” he rejoiced.

Volunteer Karidjia Barry invited the entire population to join the new dynamic driven by the highest authorities. “The property around us benefits us first. Because it helps avoid certain diseases, including malaria and dementia which are encouraged by unsanitary conditions,” she said.

Student volunteer Batiéba Diabaté noted, “This operation allows us to play our role in the ownership of the country. A serious country is also a clean country.” He emphasized that they should not wait for people from outside to “teach us how to make our country clean,” and invited everyone to contribute to keeping the country clean.

Operation Coup de Balai Volontaire is an initiative of the Public I
nterest Group-National Volunteer Program in Burkina Faso (GIP-PNVB), implemented in collaboration with the National Office of Major Projects of Burkina (BN-GPB). The voluntary clean-up operation mobilizes 700 volunteers and local populations. It took place from November 16 to 18 in Gaoua in the South-West region, and continues from November 25 to 27 in Banfora in the Cascades region and from November 29 to December 1 in Bobo-Dioulasso, in the Hauts-Bassins region. This is a pilot phase that will be extended to the entire country in 2025.