Vipp Interstis earns the Best Place to Work certification for the second year in row


PARIS, July 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Vipp Interstis, a leading french BPO company with operations in Africa offering offshore solutions to French and European companies, has recently been recognized as one of the best places to work for the second consecutive year. During the assessment, the company received outstanding scores across several aspects of their workplace, such as Incentives, Work/Life Balance and Culture resulting in its recognition among the employer of choice in Africa. Below are some key insights about the company results:

  • 98% of the employees would recommend the organization
  • 8 key engagement workplace factors were evaluated and validated
  • 2022 is the second year where Vipp Interstis Group received the certification for its African operations

In a statement Charles-Emmanuel Berc, Chairman and CEO of the group, he said, “Our employees are wonderful. We are happy to be able to provide them, thanks to orders from our international customers, with an environment and working conditions conducive to their personal development. I am very proud today that they testify to their commitment to the adventure and make our company a remarkable employer in cities like Cotonou, Yaoundé or Lomé.”

For Stanislas Assoa, Production Director Africa, he commented, “On a continent where working conditions often take second place, this certification confirms our social policy. With our collaborators, we write a page of history where the requirement, is not dissociated from the benevolence. We are listening and determined to go even further.”

Best Places to Work is an international certification program, considered as the ‘Platinum Standard’ in identifying and recognizing top workplaces around the world, providing employers the opportunity to learn more about the engagement and the satisfaction of their employees and honor those who deliver an outstanding work experience with the highest standards in regards to working conditions.

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