Vihiga County Reports Rising Incidence of Sexual Abuse CasesNyamira County Governor Announces Revocation of Kiosk Leases, Calls for New Applications


VIHIGA COUNTY – In Vihiga County, particularly in and around Mbale town, there has been a notable increase in reported cases of sexual abuse, with defilement being the most prevalent offense.

According to Kenya New Agency, Vihiga Sub-county Police Commander (SCPC), Joseph Muturi, reported that defilement cases are being filed almost weekly at the Mbale Police Station. According to Muturi, in several instances, the offenders are close relatives of the victims, including fathers, uncles, or brothers. These crimes often result in the underage girls being impregnated.

During a discussion with the Kenya News Agency (KNA) at his office, the SCPC emphasized the importance of preserving evidence and community willingness to act as witnesses. This cooperation is crucial for bringing offenders to justice and ensuring that victims receive the legal support they need.

Muturi also shared insights into other crimes in the region. Since the beginning of the month, the police have dealt with a few assault cases, a theft involving a motorcycle, and two murder cases. Night patrols have been intensified to maintain law and order, particularly in light of the two murder incidents that occurred during the night, one in Mbale and another in the Kidundu area.

To enhance security in the sub-county, the police are collaborating with local chiefs, their assistants, and community policing members. This partnership aims to ensure a safer environment for residents.

Furthermore, the police are actively cracking down on the sale and consumption of drugs and illicit brews. Muturi noted that the use of these substances often leads to criminal behavior, thereby affecting the overall safety and well-being of the community.

The situation in Vihiga County highlights the urgent need for heightened awareness and action against sexual abuse and other crimes to ensure the protection and safety of all residents.

NYAMIRA COUNTY – Nyamira County Governor Amos Nyaribo has announced the revocation of existing tenant agreements for kiosks leased to traders across the county, initiating a process for fresh applications.

According to Kenya New Agency, Nyaribo’s decision comes in response to the increasing cases of malpractice among traders. According to the Governor, these traders have been subleasing their county-allocated kiosks at high rates to other merchants while failing to pay their monthly revenue dues to the county government. “Traders who applied to benefit from the county kiosks have turned into cons, leasing the kiosks to others without permission and are the highest defaulters in remitting statutory monthly tax to the county,” Nyaribo stated.

The Governor has directed all interested traders to submit new applications for the county kiosks. These applications will undergo vetting by the department of trade to ensure that genuine traders committed to using the kiosks for their intended business purposes are selected. He also mentioned that the statutory monthly remittance rates would be reviewed to align with current market rent rates, aiming to improve the county’s revenue collection.

Nyaribo indicated that the vetting committee would consider applications from various groups, including youths, women, men, and people with disabilities who are capable of running small-scale businesses. He encouraged traders to report any known instances of kiosk subleasing to ensure fair distribution and access to these facilities.

The initiative to allocate 400 kiosks in various trading centers across all 20 wards in Nyamira was originally aimed at facilitating small businesses to help generate revenue for the county and boost the government’s overall collection. This new order for fresh applications and vetting seeks to rectify the issues arising from the misuse of these kiosks and to promote equitable access for deserving traders in Nyamira County.