Vihiga County Official Calls for Accountable and Impartial Civil Service

VIHIGA – Felix Watakila, the County Commissioner of Vihiga, has called on civil servants within the county to fulfill their duties with a high degree of accountability and impartiality, to meet the citizens’ expectations effectively.

According to Kenya News Agency, who spoke during a county public participation forum on the Medium-Term Budget Making Process for the fiscal years 2024/25 to 2025/26, public officers must uphold the trust placed in them by the government and the public. This trust is characterized by their responsibility to provide services and implement developmental programs on behalf of the government.

The County Commissioner warned against the misappropriation of public funds and the practice or endorsement of corruption within the service. He expressed concern that unethical behaviors such as bribery, nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism have significantly undermined public trust in government services and tarnished the government’s reputation.

Participants in the forum commended the national government for making the budget-making process inclusive, ensuring representation from all stakeholders. They also put forth their expectations for the upcoming budget, emphasizing sectors like agriculture, energy, education, health, and environment as key areas for economic and social development. Additionally, they acknowledged the role of Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) as a crucial factor in the efficient and effective delivery of services.

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