Vihiga County Authority Warns Against Rising Criminal Activities in Hamisi

HAMISI, Kenya – In response to the escalating criminal activities in Shaviringa sub-location, Hamisi sub-county, Vihiga County authorities have issued a stern warning against engagement in unlawful acts. The local administration is cracking down on stock theft, thuggery, burglary, and mugging, which have recently surged in the area.

According to Kenya News Agency, Vihiga County Commissioner (CC) Felix Watakila, speaking at a public security meeting on Monday, declared that the perpetrators’ days are numbered. He urged the community to collaborate with law enforcement by reporting any suspicious activities or individuals. Watakila emphasized the need for swift action against those contributing to the insecurity in the region.

The meeting also addressed the pressing issue of sexual violence in the area. Watakila pointed out the severity of rape and defilement cases, underscoring that such acts are serious offenses under the country’s laws and statutes.

Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Ruth Lurete called on citizens to look out for one another and urged the Nyumba Kumi community policing team to fulfill their duties effectively to reduce the crime rate. Lurete highlighted the readiness of the National Government Administration Officers (NGAOs) to collaborate with residents in restoring law and order in the communities.

Hamisi Sub County Police Commander (SCPC) Ruth Lang’at appealed for public cooperation with investigators, emphasizing the importance of recording statements to prosecute suspects in court. Lang’at assured those providing information of confidentiality, stating that their identities would be protected unless disclosure is absolutely necessary.

This meeting marks a crucial step in addressing the growing concerns over security in Hamisi, with authorities taking decisive action to combat criminal activities and ensure the safety and well-being of the community.

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