Urban agriculture survey to be carried out in Windhoek

The City of Windhoek has announced that it will carry out an urban agriculture survey within the city limits of Windhoek during March.

The assessment will guide the council in supporting and enabling sustainable urban agricultural activities, the CoW said in a media statement on Wednesday.

It will focus on backyard gardeners, residents, regional councillors, farmers, and other relevant stakeholders and will be carried out by the City’s Department of Economic Development and Community Services and the University of Namibia’s (UNAM) Centre of Research Services.

It is hoped that the survey will help to improve urban agriculture in Windhoek through the adoption and implementation of interventions that will improve urban agriculture processes.

“This is in line with the council’s overall goal of improving the livelihoods of its residents,” it said.

The City called on residents, regional councillors and other relevant stakeholders to lend their support and cooperation if approached. Enumerators will be recognisable by their blue T-shirts and hats with the logos of UNAM and the City of Windhoek, as well as name tags.

If a stakeholder is unable to identify an enumerator using these criteria, they are encouraged to get in touch with the City of Windhoek or UNAM for verification.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

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