Unilateral Ethiopia Cease-fire Takes Effect in Tigray


Rebels in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region warned Tuesday their troops would seek to destroy the capabilities of Ethiopian and Eritrean forces, despite the Ethiopian government’s declaration of a unilateral cease-fire in the region.
The Ethiopian government announced the cease-fire on state media late Monday, saying it would take effect immediately.
The announcement came after nearly eight months of conflict in the region and as troops of Tigray’s former governing party entered the regional capital, Mekelle, prompting cheers from residents.
A spokesman for the Tigrayan forces battling Ethiopia’s government warned Tuesday in an interview with Reuters the rebel Tigray Defense Forces would enter neighboring Eritrea and Ethiopia’s Amhara region to pursue “enemy” forces if necessary.
Later Tuesday, a senior member Tigray’s regional government told The New York Times that Tigray’s leadership committed to “weaken or destroy” the capabilities of the Ethiopian and Eritrean armies “wherever they are.”
VOA journalists in Mekelle said they have not seen government soldiers in the city since Sunday.
Rebel troops from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which previously governed the region, announced on the party radio that their forces had entered Mekelle.

Source: Voice of America


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