UN General Assembly adopts a Resolution on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities tabled by Greece and nine other countries (16 December 2022)


On December 16, the UN General Assembly adopted by consensus the Resolution on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, spearheaded by Greece and nine other countries (2022). More specifically, the Resolution concerns the promotion and mainstreaming of easy to understand communication for better access of Persons with Disabilities to information (“Promoting and Mainstreaming Easy to Understand Communication for Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities”).

In particular, Greece tabled this Resolution together with Argentina, Brazil, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Egypt, Guatemala, Mongolia, the Philippines, and Portugal.

The Resolution was co-sponsored by a total of 100 UN Member States, including all the Member States of the European Union.

This is the third Resolution that our country promotes and is adopted by the UN General Assembly in the last 13 months.

In particular, the previous ones were a) the Resolution on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity (submitted every two years and adopted unanimously in November 2021, with 112 Member States co-sponsoring it) and b) the Resolution on Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to the Countries of Origin (a purely Greek initiative, submitted every three years and adopted unanimously in December 2021, with 111 Member States co-sponsoring it).