UK Commits to Supporting Archeological Research in Harlaa, Dire Dawa

DIRE DAWA – The United Kingdom has vowed to provide comprehensive support for the archeological research initiatives in Harlaa, Dire Dawa, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of the research and enable local communities to benefit from the region’s tourism potential.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the UK Ambassador to Ethiopia, Darren Welch, alongside his delegation, embarked on a tour of various tourism and historical sites in and around Dire Dawa.

During their visit, the ambassador’s team explored a range of significant locations, including a cemetery honoring British and African soldiers, the Harla Community Museum, residential areas dating back seven thousand years, ancient cave paintings at Laga Oda Gungufata, and other notable tourist attractions. A highlight of the visit was the inspection of a 12th-century mosque, a recent discovery by Professor Timothy Ensoll, a British archaeologist and academic from Exeter University.

Ambassador Welch expressed his enthusiasm about the visit and the warm welcome his team received. He noted the importance of the Harlaa ancient cemetery in illustrating the lifestyle of Muslim communities during the Middle Ages. “I am happy with what I have seen here in my first trip to the area and believe that there are more archeological remains to be discovered in this area which needs to be further promoted,” he remarked.

Welch emphasized the importance of preserving the region’s historic and natural tourist attractions, pledging the UK’s support for the ongoing archeological research in Harlaa. This commitment is intended to bolster the research efforts, assist local communities in leveraging the area’s tourism resources, and contribute to the growth of Ethiopia’s tourism sector.

Professor Timothy Ensoll, leader of the Harlaa archeological research team, provided the ambassador and his delegation with insights into the artifacts that have been preserved and displayed in the museum. Michael Endale, Head of the Dire Dawa Administration Culture and Tourism Office, stated that the ambassador’s visit would play a crucial role in promoting the tourist resources in Dire Dawa and its surroundings. He further mentioned that additional efforts would be focused on developing and enhancing the tourism resources in the Dire Dawa area.

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