Uganda: No need of a lockdown, Ebola is easy to fight, says Pres Museveni as five doctors test positive

KAMPALA— President Museveni has ruled out a lockdown as had been suggested by some sections of the public after the outbreak of the Ebola virus.

Following the outbreak of Ebola virus in Mubende district, some members of the public raised concern over what they termed as a looming lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of the virus.

However, addressing the nation on Wednesday evening, the president allayed the fears, noting that there is nothing to worry much about the Ebola outbreak.

“It is not necessary to have lockdowns. We just need to take care of a few things. This time we are fighting differently. It is not necessary to have lockdowns close schools , stopping people from going to church, markets ,travelling etc,” Museveni said.

“Us who are used of fighting wars, when we heard the characteristics of Ebola, we decided to fight differently. It’s not necessary to have lockdowns, close markets and schools or stop worshippers from congregating etc.”

The president explained that whereas this is the first time in 10 years that Ebola is breaking out in the country, there is nothing much to worry about.

He noted that previously, there were three Ebola outbreaks in Uganda in 2000 in Gulu, Luweero in 2011 and in Kasese in 2012 but noted only the one in 2000 was more deadly.

According to Museveni, government has capacity to deal with the virus, noting that a treatment unit for Ebola at Mubende Referral Hospital currently has a 51-bed capacity for confirmed cases and eight bed capacity for suspects whereas a 31-bed capacity treatment unit has been set up as Madudu Health Center III.

“I want to assure you that government has capacity to control this Ebola outbreak as we have done before. This disease doesn’t need those big measures. It doesn’t go through air. This is an enemy we can easily fight. The big battle is on washing hands. Stop panicking because this is very easy to stop.”

The president also revealed that five doctors have tested positive for Ebola in Mubende.

According to Museveni, the five and an anesthetic were exposed to the index case( first identified case) in Mubende between Sept 15 and 18 but noted that they are being managed at Mubende and Fort Portal referral hospitals.

So far, there are 24 confirmed Ebola case with five deaths.


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