UDA Aspirants Call For Unity Ahead Of Party Polls

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party aspirants have intensified campaigns ahead of the party’s grassroots election slated for December 9th, amid division among party honchos and supporters in Mombasa.

The ruling party has been marred by divisions, and different factions have emerged. The divisions came to the fore during a delegates meeting convened by UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala in June, where supporters of Nyali MP Mohamed Ali, the party’s interim chairman, and EALA MP Hassan Omar clashed.

Shedrack Okindo, a businessman who unsuccessfully vied for the Kisumu gubernatorial seat and has shifted base to Mombasa, is the latest entry in the crowded race for the UDA Chairman position, which has also attracted nominated Senator Miraj Abdillahi and businessman Khamis Kitaka, among others.

Speaking when he unveiled his bid, Okindo said he will restore sanity and unite all the party factions if elected chairman.

He adds that without unity and respect, there will be no meaningful development in Mombasa, promising an end to ‘the continuous supremacy battles seen between people who are in positions of power.

Okindo says the tug-of-war between Nyali MP and EALA MP has painted the party in a bad light but will end with the forthcoming party election.

He said he will leverage the party structure to register members and popularise the party ahead of the 2027 general election.

‘There have been a lot of rows during which some of us were left out. We do not feel at home, yet we need to be accommodated.

Okinda says he has developed a strategy that will bring everybody on board because the Mombasa UDA has been in pieces, with people fighting everywhere. We need to stop these wrangles,’ says Joyce Obengele, a former UDA MCA candidate.

Obengele adds the need to put the UDA house in order as the party is angling to dethrone ODM and gain a foothold in the opposition stronghold.

Jared Mike, Shanzu Ward UDA Chairman Aspirant, says that as a result of the sibling rivalry, some party members were sidelined when the party clinched the presidency.

‘We are going to kick off UDA member registration; we had a hiccup with e-registration, but we have been assured that things are going to run smoothly. The exercise is ongoing under the leadership of Okindo,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

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