Two male suspects arrested in East London

Two male suspects 31 and 35 years of age was arrested in the early hours of today while East London Crime Prevention members were patrolling St Paul’s Road, North End East London.

Whilst busy with stop and search duties members stopped and searched a male. Upon searching him about twenty five (25) live ammunition was found in his possession.

When asked about these ammunition he led them to a shack which was not far from where they were. Another male suspect was questioned about the live ammunition and members asked a permission to search him another live ammunition was found in his possession.

The total number of ammunition confiscated is one hundred and fifty four. Also 20 spent cartridges

03x passports (not belonging to suspects)

Safe keys, and

1 x CD player.

A case of possession of illegal ammunition and suspected stolen property has been opened and both suspects will appear before the East London Magistrate Court on 2023-07-27.

Source: South African Police Service

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