Transmara West Embraces National Tree Planting Initiative

Transmara West, Kenya – Residents of Transmara West were encouraged to actively participate in the government’s national tree planting agenda by Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Mohamed Mwabudzo. During the National Tree Planting Day at Oloibor Soito Primary School, Mwabudzo emphasized the crucial role of public involvement in achieving the government’s goal of planting 15 billion trees by 2032.

According to Kenya News Agency, the successful implementation of this initiative would significantly contribute to increasing forest cover and protecting the environment for future generations. He urged both the public and administrators to fully commit to and lead this environmental conservation effort. The event saw the planting of more than 2000 trees and was attended by key local leaders, including Kilgoris Central Member of County Assembly (MCA) Leina Morintat.

Morintat called for stricter legislative measures to safeguard forests and endorsed the government’s decision to gazette wetlands. He described this step as a direct and effective means of protecting water sources and combating climate change.

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