Transitional Justice Roadmap Completed in Ethiopia: Key Legal Frameworks in Drafting Phase

ADDIS ABABA – The Ministry of Justice in Ethiopia has finalized the Transitional Justice Implementation Roadmap, marking a significant step forward in the country’s justice reforms. This announcement comes following the adoption of the Ethiopian Transitional Justice Policy by the Council of Ministers on April 17, 2024.

According to the Ethiopian News Agency, the completion of the Roadmap facilitates the shift to the full implementation phase of the policy. The Roadmap is designed to guide the overall implementation, follow-up, and support of the transitional justice mechanisms. It is part of broader efforts that include the drafting of essential legal frameworks aimed at establishing independent and impartial institutions to oversee the transitional justice process.

One of the central elements of these reforms includes drafting legislation to criminalize and punish international crimes. This will support the operations of the Truth, Amnesty, and Reparations Commission, among other bodies responsible for implementing the transitional justice pillars. The Ministry also highlighted ongoing efforts under the supervision of the Federal Supreme Court to draft legislation that will define the powers and procedures of a Special Bench dedicated to adjudicating transitional justice cases.

The drafting teams consist of professionals with extensive expertise in justice and legal reform. Once drafting is completed, the ministry plans to hold national and international consultations to gather feedback from the public and stakeholders, emphasizing the importance of timely legislative adoption to fulfill the policy’s goals. These goals include enabling mechanisms for truth-seeking, reconciliation, criminal accountability, conditional amnesty, reparation, and institutional reform.

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