Training On Cooperatives To Boost Sacco Membership


Nakuru County Government has prioritised the provision of cooperative education and training as a basis to build the capacity of Cooperatives to reach desired targets, including better provisions of services to satisfy members efficiently and effectively. Speaking today during a training session of Jamii Co-operative and Savings Credit Society held in Nakuru City at the Kenya National Library Hall, Cooperatives Chief Officer Kibet Kurgat said the county administration will continue to fully support such training as it is a basis to improve performance in the operations of Saccos. The cooperatives officer however underscored the need for residents to join saccos for them to mobilize savings and credit through innovative products and services in a dynamic business environment to ensure optimum returns. Kurgat emphasised that the county government was committed to channeling one billion shillings annually to boost economic activities of cooperatives, and ensure that as many people as possible are members of at
least one Sacco society. He noted with concern that the urge and obligation to join cooperative societies by wananchi in the 1970s -80s, which made Nakuru an economic power houses and also uplifted other parts of the country was floored by mismanagement and corruption. However, he underscored that the golden years of cooperatives that enabled farmers’ children to get good education without any stress of school fees, could easily be revived because of the fond memories of abundance and economic success that was achieved throughout the nation.

Source: Kenya News Agency