Tragic Incident in Omuntele: Young Girl Dies, Brother in Critical Condition After Consuming Home-Brewed Beer

OMUNTELE: A three-year-old girl passed away and her eight-year-old brother is in critical condition after allegedly consuming home-brewed beer, known locally as Tombo, given to them by their mother. The incident occurred on Tuesday around 20h00 in Onewawa village, Omuntele Constituency, Oshikoto Region. Commissioner Theopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku of the Namibian Police released a crime update on Wednesday detailing the tragic event.

The girl was rushed to Omuntele Clinic, where she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. Her brother, after consuming the same homemade liquor, was taken to Okatope Health Centre in a critical state. The deceased’s body has been moved to the Omuthiya police mortuary for an autopsy, and police investigations are ongoing. This incident highlights the potential dangers of homemade alcoholic beverages and their impact on health and safety.

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