Tragic Crocodile Attack Claims Life of Young Woman in Kavango East


Rundu, Namibia – The Kavango East Regional Police have initiated a search for the body of 23-year-old Vishoni Alberthina Ndumbu, who was tragically seized by a crocodile at Mabushe village.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the acting regional commander, the attack occurred between 18:00 and 19:00 on Thursday while Ndumbu was at the Kavango River with two others, fetching water and fishing.

The incident led to a desperate search effort by police and staff from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism to locate Ndumbu’s body and the responsible crocodile, but initial attempts were unsuccessful. Namhahu reported that the search operation continued into Saturday, highlighting the community’s and authorities’ determination to find Ndumbu and possibly prevent future tragedies.

This incident is part of a concerning pattern of human-wildlife conflicts in the region. In a separate event at Shamvura village, 43-year-old Martin Mukerenge was hospitalized after a hippopotamus attacked his canoe, causing it to capsize. Mukerenge suffered a fractured left arm and head injuries from the encounter but is currently in stable condition at Nyangana District Hospital.

These incidents underscore the ongoing challenges and dangers of human-wildlife interactions in the Kavango East Region, prompting local authorities to call for increased vigilance and safety measures for residents engaging in activities near wildlife habitats.