Traditional Practitioner in Zondoma Plants 1,400 Trees to Support Traditional Medicine

GOURCY — Traditional healer Cheick Amidou Bissiri organized a reforestation event on Sunday, August 18, 2024, in his grove near national road No. 2, planting 1,400 trees with the help of local residents.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the event saw strong participation from the population of Gourcy and nearby villages, alongside administrative, customary, and religious authorities. The initiative was led by the High Commissioner of Zondoma Province, Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, who praised the effort as a model of environmental stewardship.

Cheick Amidou Bissiri, known for his traditional healing practices in the village of Kouba, stated that the reforestation was essential for sustaining the natural resources vital to his work. He emphasized the importance of maintaining the availability of plants used in traditional medicine, linking the initiative to broader environmental restoration efforts.

The High Commissioner lauded the initiative, encouraging others in the province to follow suit in restoring the environment. The planted trees, consisting of fruit trees and species used in traditional medicine, are expected to thrive within the fenced grove, which spans several hectares. This reforestation effort followed the provincial launch of National Tree Day, held at the Tangzoug Yargo school in sector 4 of Gourcy.

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