Traders Decry On Drainage Issue In Parts Of Siaya Town


A section of traders and boda-boda riders have decried the state of drainage in parts of Siaya town.

There has been waste water in parts of Siaya town along a road adjacent to the County Assembly, behind Siaya Huduma Center and next to the fish market has been constantly stagnant with no action to clear the water from the County.

The business operators around the affected areas are now a worried and fear the potential health hazards like cholera and malaria looming at their places of work since the areas have become a breeding site for mosquitoes.

The boda boda operators are also citing the wastewater as a deterrent to their clients who find the site and smell of the stagnant water appalling, a factor that has reduced their incomes.

Mark Otieno, a boda-boda rider staged near one of the stagnant water sites, narrates that this sewage has affected them by discouraging clients from passing near the routes and they can no longer withstand the bad smell coming from it.

“I want to appeal to the County Government of Siaya to come to action and sort the issue of sewage management and stagnant wastewater around the town area to avoid more harm,” says Otieno.

This comes shortly after the Siaya-Bondo Water and Sewerage Company were forced to rush to avert a possible health crisis this week at one of the local primary schools where a sewerage blockage caused a man-hole in the school to overflow.

Source: Kenya News Agency