Trade, Industry and Competition hosts Platinum Group Metals colloquium, 20 Oct


The future of Platinum Group Metals to come under spotlight during a colloquium in Pretoria
Members of the media are invited to attend and cover the Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) colloquium that will highlight the importance of developing technologies in stimulating industrialisation. The colloquium will be hosted by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), under the theme “Adopting an Industrialisation Approach in Platinum Group Metals Technology Development to Achieve Socio-economic Sustainability.”
The PGMs colloquium is aligned to South Africa’s industrial policy objectives of diversification beyond current reliance on traditional commodities, such as minerals, to increase value-addition or mineral beneficiation.
Date: Thursday, 20 October 2022
Time: 09:00
Venue: Government Communication Information System (GCIS) Tshedimosetso House, Hatfield, Pretoria
The colloquium will bring together Post-Doctoral, Doctoral, Masters, Honours and final year students studying metallurgy and chemical engineering.
South Africa has approximately 90% of the world’s Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) reserves and government recognises that the PGMs sector contributes significantly to South Africa’s economy. It is important to develop technologies that will increase the uses of PGMs in order to create jobs and be competitive in both export markets and the domestic economy. South Africa country is seeking ways to industrialise in order to address historical structural challenges in the market wherein the country is just known as a net exporter of raw minerals.
Key factors that will contribute to the successful diversification of PGMs uses are premised on collaboration between local universities and industry to develop products based on demand patterns and market trends. The colloquium also comes at a time where countries are reconstructing their economies post the Covid-19 pandemic.
There is a realisation that the PGMs sector will play a critical role in advancing green recovery through renewable technologies. Moreover, the importance of green recovery is articulated in the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan of South Africa.

Source: Government of South Africa


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