Towns experienced power outages between 17h00 and 22h00 on Monday.

Engagements between the Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (NORED), NamPower and other key stakeholders at the national level are ongoing to ensure there will be no further suspensions of electricity to Nored’s customers.

The head of corporate communications and marketing at NORED, Simon Lukas, said this in a media statement issued here on Tuesday after several towns in the Hardap and ||Kharas regions, as well as in the seven northern regions supplied by Nored, went without electricity.

Towns experienced power outages between 17h00 and 22h00 on Monday.

According to Lukas, the power outages occurred after a recent announcement by NamPower on its plan to suspend in stages the electricity supply of the defaulting customers starting on 05 June 2023 as part of their debt collection mechanism.

The defaulters owe the power utility over N.dollars 1 billion.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

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