Tour de France Disrupts Voting Schedules in French Municipalities

PARIS — The Tour de France posed significant logistical challenges for the second round of early elections to the French National Assembly, affecting several municipalities with its schedule. The renowned cycling event coincided with the voting, leading to necessary adjustments in polling station hours.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Aube prefecture issued exemptions to several municipalities, allowing them to modify the operating hours of their polling stations due to the overlap with the Tour de France. This sports event added complexity to an already demanding election organization period, which also had to accommodate preparations for the upcoming Paris Olympics scheduled from July 26 to August 11.

The electoral process faced additional restrictions, as the French electoral code mandates that the results from the first round cannot be released until after the last polling stations close at 8:00 p.m. (UTC+2). Furthermore, the publication of exit polls or any forecasts before voting ends is strictly prohibited, with violations potentially resulting in fines up to 75,000 euros.

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