Toksa claims he didn’t mean to offend SOTRACO with his censored clip

Rapper Toksa whose music video “SOTRACO” was censored yesterday, said he does not want to damage the image of the public transport company and wants it to be a model in the sub-region.

“It was with a lot of hindsight that I received the score from the CSC. Beyond the enthusiasm and the reactions that this has aroused, I apprehend this decision with a lot of thoughts.

For my part, I understand SOTRACO’s position and my intention was in no way to undermine the values of its mission.

I remain convinced that the remarks that emanate here and there, stem from a deep desire of the population to see SOTRACO be a model in terms of public transport in the sub-region, a feeling that I also share.

Beyond dividing us, this situation should also be an opportunity for us to reflect on the ways and means that will make it possible to promote SOTRACO even more and to carry it higher than ever.

I remain convinced for my part that with the conjuncture of our ideas, we can all make the best of this situation, ”wrote the rapper Friday on his Facebook page.

On Thursday, the Superior Council of Communication (CSC) ordered the audiovisual media, under pain of sanction, to no longer broadcast Toksa’s SOTRACO clip.

The institution claims that its chorus, largely inspired by a popular expression denouncing the conduct of the drivers of these buses, undermines the image of the company.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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