“The legitimacy of Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his government draws its source from the people of Burkina Faso”, OSC

The national coordination of CSOs, during a meeting this Saturday in Ouagadougou, assured that “the legitimacy of Captain Ibrahim Traoré and his government derives its source from the people of Burkina Faso”.

Many people from the four corners of the Burkinabè capital joined the Place de la Révolution on Saturday midday to support the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, his government, the FDS and the VDP. engaged in the fight against terrorism.

The demonstrators wanted to meet instead; but they had to wait out a heavy rain that hit most of the country early in the morning.

In the midst of an overheated crowd, the spokesperson for the National Coordination of Civil Society Organizations, Justin Dabiré, took the floor to congratulate the Transitional Government under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré for all the results achieved, since taking office in September 2022.

“This is also an opportunity for us to reaffirm to national and international opinion that the legitimacy of Captain Ibrahim and his government derives its source from the people of Burkina Faso, because we recognize ourselves in their decision-making. and these respond to the deep aspirations of our people,” he said.

Mr. Dabiré urged the populations, in particular the conscious youth, to remain mobilized and on maximum alert until total victory.

He warned the occult forces internally and externally who would like to destabilize the Transition.

The spokesperson for the national coordination of CSOs is also campaigning for a constitutional change in the image of Burkinabe realities.

The president of the association of the Rally of Africans and Afro descendants for the sovereignty of Africa, the Congolese Donald says the man of the metro, says he came to Burkina Faso to support President Ibrahim Traoré.

He asked the Burkinabè to ignore the tricks of the enemy who are fomenting “massacres under false flags” and not to abandon Captain Traoré, despite the difficulties.

The activist Lassané Sawadogo came out to support the Transition government and tell the West that the people will support all the decisions that the executive will take.

He also said he was in favor of the adoption of a new Constitution closer to the cultures, customs and realities of Burkina.

Note that several similar demonstrations took place this Saturday across Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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