The Capricorn Foundation advances education through LearnOnOne

The Capricorn Foundation donated N.dollars 100 000 to the LearnonOne Project on Wednesday in order to enhance education in Namibia.

A total of 51 Grade 10 and Grade 11 online lessons in different subjects will be broadcast on One Africa Television from April 2023 to September 2023, as well as shared on the LearnOnOne website and Facebook page.

In a press release issued on Thursday, Marlize Horn, Group Executive: Brand & Corporate Affairs and Executive Officer of Capricorn Foundation, stated that the Capricorn Foundation partnered with LearnOnOne to supplement its support to the senior secondary education level, under its primary focus area of Education.

“As connectors of positive change and a responsible corporate citizens, the Capricorn Foundation sees education as an investment that goes a long way and has a lasting impact on the future of Namibia. Therefore, we remain committed to investing in education in Namibia, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals,’’ she said.

LearnOnOne, according to the statement, is a registered non-profit division of OneAfrica that broadcasts recorded school lessons and other instructional content on television.

According to the organisation, which was founded during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns, it seeks to assist learners and bridge the digital divide by giving access to free education via broadcast television as a widely accessible platform.

The Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture has also approved LearnOnOne as a supplementary educational platform, according to the statement. LearnOnOne’s vision is to provide school lessons as extra classes for learners as well as non-school content to assist children in developing the 21st-century skills required to thrive in an increasingly competitive job market.

”According to the Education Ministry’s 2021 Namibian Education Census, Namibia has 777,132 Learners. (730750 in State Schools and 46382 in Private Schools). ”In light of these figures and the well-documented challenges that learners face, LearnOnOne has committed to joining Government and Private Sector efforts to give Namibian learners a boost in their educational journey,” it said.

LearnOnOne, according to Stephan Hugo, Group CEO of TribeFire Studios, fills a unique gap in the ecosystem for education solutions that supplement schools through broadcast television; a mass media reach platform.

Source: Namibia Press Agency

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